July 10, 2015
Tbilisi City hall is preventing the International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy (ISFED) from monitoring interviews with candidates competing for public service positions. In their letter Tbilisi City Hall offered ISFED to attend the interviews with the status of a member of the commission for competition and certification, instead of the status of an observer, which is unacceptable because such an arrangement contradicts activities of ISFED. 
July 10, 2015
კანონპროექტის განხილვებისას სრულიად იგნორირებული იყო  თავად მოსახლეობის, ასევე იმ 60-მდე ორგანიზაციის მოსაზრებები, რომლებმაც აღნიშნული საკითხის შესწავლას და კანონპროექტის მომზადებას წელიწადზე მეტი მოანდომეს. შედეგად,  ხელისუფლების მიერ მიღებული გადაწყვეტილებით,   საზოგადოებრივი საბჭოს, როგორც დასახლების ქმედითი, ეფექტური კოლეგიალური წარმონაქმნის ცნება პროექტიდან ამოღებულია.
June 15, 2015
The International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy expresses deep sorrow for victims of the flood in Tbilisi on June 13-14. We convey our condolences to each and every citizen of Georgia, and especially to families of those lost in the flood, and to Tbilisi Zoo for the loss of its employees and animals as a result of the disaster. 
June 8, 2015
On June 5, 2015, the ruling coalition Georgian Dream publicly announced its decision to leave the existing mixed electoral system for the 2016 parliamentary elections but with certain modifications. 
May 16, 2015
არასამთავრობო ორგანიზაციები კიდევ ერთხელ მივმართავთ საქართველოს შინაგან საქმეთა სამინისტროს, რომ დაიცვას ადამიანების უსაფრთხოება და მომავალში უფრო ეფექტურად აღკვეთოს ნებისმიერი სახის ძალადობა და დისკრიმინაცია. ასევე, მნიშვნელოვანია ყველამ გაიაზროს ის პირადი პასუხისმგებლობა, რომელიც დაკავშირებულია ნებისმიერი აქტივობის ორგანიზებასთან.
May 4, 2015
International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy (ISFED) has been a member of the Commission for the Study of Dismissals of Employees of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia Territorial Agencies – Education Resource-Centers and Public Schools on Grounds of Political Belief since the day it was founded. On May 5, 2015, the Commission presented its final report. 
April 28, 2015
We issue the present statement in response to remarks made by former Prime-Minister Bidzina Ivenishvili during a TV program 20/30 about former and current directors of civil society organizations. 
April 23, 2015
On April 20, 2015, over 100 activists of the Georgian Dream residing in Gurjaani Municipality invaded office of Gurjaani Majoritarian MP Giorgi Ghviniashvili together with employees of Sakrebulo and Gamgeoba, and demanded that he leave the building. The confrontation in the office of Gurjaani Majoritarian MP Giorgi Ghviniashvili occurred following the announcement of the United National Movement about establishment of the commission on April 20. 
April 21, 2015
The Coalition is examining the Prosecution Reform Concept, put forward by the Criminal Justice Reform Inter-Agency Coordination Council on April 8, 2015, which proposes several amendments to the rules of appointing the chief prosecutor. According to the concept, the Prosecutorial Council becomes part of the process, and reviews the nominations by the Minister of Justice. The candidate supported by the Council is nominated to the government, and upon its consent, the parliament reviews the candidacy and makes a decision with a simple majority.
April 19, 2015
The Coalition for an Independent and Transparent Judiciary welcomes development of the Juvenile Justice Code by the Ministry of Justice.  Development of the Code corresponds to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which obliges the signatory states to establish special policies, procedures and institutions for the juveniles dealing with the Justice system.
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