December 18, 2013
The present document is a report of monitoring of the October 27, 2013 presidential elections by the International Society of Fair Elections and Democracy (hereinafter, the ISFED). At the 2013 presidential elections ISFED, as an organization with one of the broadest networks was actively involved in pre-election as well as the Elections Day and post-election monitoring. Similar to the 2012 parliamentary elections, the ISFED carried out monitoring of the presidential elections with the use of new methods and innovative technologies.
December 18, 2013
The present document is a report of monitoring of the October 27, 2013 presidential elections by the International Society of Fair Elections and Democracy (hereinafter, the ISFED). At the 2013 presidential elections ISFED, as an organization with one of the broadest networks was actively involved in pre-election as well as the Elections Day and post-election monitoring. Similar to the 2012 parliamentary elections, the ISFED carried out monitoring of the presidential elections with the use of new methods and innovative technologies.
December 18, 2013
The International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy (ISFED) is publishing the Final Monitoring Report on the Presidential Elections of October 27, 2013.
November 11, 2013
The International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy (ISFED) continues the electionmonitoring of press within the frameworks of the EU-UNDP funded project“Professional Media for Elections”, and presents the third interim report before thepresidential elections of 2013, which covers the period from September 16 until October 26.
November 1, 2013
ISFED filed 78 complaints with district election commissions (DECs). Majority of the complaints sought imposition of liability on precinct election commission (PEC) members, while 11 sought annulment of summary protocol and revision of results due to gaps and inaccuracies in summary protocols.
October 28, 2013
ISFED presents the PVT projections for the top 6 presidential candidates. The detailed statement is coming soon.
October 27, 2013
ISFED is observing Election Day using an internationally recognized and advanced observation methodology called a Parallel Vote Tabulation (PVT). ISFED has deployed PVT observers to a nationally representative, random sample of polling stations in all of the 73 districts.