March 21, 2018
დაუშვებლად მიგვაჩნია ე.წ. „რელიგიური გრძნობების შეურაცხყოფის“ თავიდან აცილების მოტივით გამოხატვის თავისუფლების შეზღუდვა. გამოხატვის თავისუფლების ძირითად არსს წარმოადგენს სწორედ შესაძლებლობა, გვქონდეს მათ შორის კრიტიკული, შოკისმომგვრელი და თუნდაც შეურაცხმყოფელი აზრის გამოხატვის უფლება. რელიგიური გრძნობები კი (რომელიც ნებისმიერ შემთხვევაში სუბიექტური და ინდივიდუალურია) არ და ვერ იქნება ის საფუძველი, რომელიც გაამართლებს ამგვარ შეზღუდვას.
March 20, 2018
We urge Parliament to support the legislative initiative on gender quotas in its original form, as submitted by constituents to Parliament, because the alternative will only be introduced pro forma and will not work as an effective and substantial mechanism for increasing women’s participation.
March 13, 2018
The Coalition for Euro-Atlantic Georgia would like to respond to the recent discussion among the public concerning Georgian-Russian relations as well as to the statements made by Georgia's highest-ranking officials and their reaction to yet another aggressive action committed by the Russian Government.
March 8, 2018
We urge Parliament to discuss the legislative initiative during the plenary session in a timely manner. It is imperative that the authorities and opposition parties demonstrate a clear political will for equality between women and men and support the legislative initiative of Georgian citizens.
March 2, 2018
The recent developments and political confrontation in the Municipal Council of Borjomi clearly go beyond the legal limits for the exercise of local self-government and causes a considerable damage to the essence of self-government as the right and opportunity of citizens of Georgia to solve local issues by means of local self-government bodies, in accordance with the Georgian legislation.
March 1, 2018
Recent developments in the judiciary once again exposed the extent of the systemic problems in the judiciary. It is clear that the reforms implemented in the court system in recent years failed to achieve their main objective of having justice delivered by independent and impartial judges whose integrity and competence are not in doubt.
February 28, 2018
We, the civil society organizations of Georgia express deep concern about the death of a Georgian citizen Archil Tatunashvili in Tskhinvali prison under suspicious circumstances. We strongly condemn the inhuman act of the de facto regime of the Russian occupied Tskhinvali region to delay handing over the body of the deceased to his family. It is also alarming that the de facto authorities have yet to release two other Georgian citizens - Levan Kutashvili and Ioseb Pavliashvili, who were detained along with Archil Tatunashvili.
February 19, 2018
Considering high political and social value of the case, the under-signatory organizations call on the Parliament of Georgia to establish temporary investigative commission and ensure effective parliamentary control over the Afgan Mukhtarli’s case. At the same time, we urge the Chief Prosecutor’s Office to engage international investigators/experts in the process of investigation and ensure high accountability and transparency in the process.
February 14, 2018
The Coalition for Independent and Transparent Judiciary is ready to actively engage in the process of substantive review of the proposal. We hope that the state’s position on the crucial issues described above is not final and that discussions with the interested public can be of real substance.
February 9, 2018
We are extremely concerned about the deep institutional crisis the Georgian Public Broadcaster is in. Public trust towards the broadcaster is critically low, while it keeps receiving increasing funding from the state budget. Unfortunately, the Public Broadcaster fails to serve the interests of the public, is unable to fulfill its legal role; and acts instead as a media organization that is in service of political party interests.
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